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Automation of Waste Water Treatment Systems

What do we offer?

Vrinda Automations Pvt. Ltd. is dedicated to providing high quality services to the needs of Indian Waste Water Treatment systems. Take a look on the video above to find out what we specialize in, and get in touch with any additional questions or to learn more.

Industry 4.0 technologies — like artificial intelligence, internet of things sensors and big data analysis — allow for minute-to-minute data collection and machine automation. These technologies, which have already improved efficiency and automated processes in other industries like manufacturing, are now being adapted for wastewater treatment.

The benefits of automation of Water Treatment Plant are:

1. Complete access to data - Wastewater treatment is always a data-driven process. Mostly, workers need to manually collect water data, which implies that the operators and managers never have access to real time data.

Automated water systems are built on a network of robust data-collection devices. These devices provide minute-to-minute updates on water quality and equipment function. Many automated water software platforms are also designed with their own advanced analytics software — sometimes using cutting-edge technology like big data and artificial intelligence — to better store and analyze plant data.

When data for both quality and quantity is gathered in real time the operators have, better visualization and thus can take fast actions/decisions to control any variations.

2. Optimized Treatment Capacity - With access to comprehensive and minute-to-minute plan data, it's possible to optimize plant processes in completely new ways. By reducing the amount of labor demanded from water treatment workers and boosting plant efficiency, automated wastewater treatment systems can increase the amount of water that can be treated.

3. Lower Energy and Chemical Consumption - Energy use is one of the highest costs at any wastewater treatment plant. Upgrades to traditional systems can lower these costs, but they don't solve the problems posed by a lack of data about plant equipment and processes. Automated treatment systems can reduce the total amount of energy and water treatment chemicals that a plant needs to use in day-to-day operations.

Similarly, these automated systems can also reduce the amount of water that is lost during the treatment process, saving plants and their operators additional resources. 

Automated systems can also lower a plant's number of overflows by providing plant staff with remote access to equipment and switches in the case of a flood. Often, during flooding, it's not possible for plant staff to quickly get to the plant or remain on-site. As a result, workers aren't able to restrict flow into the water treatment plant, which can result in costly and environmentally dangerous overflows. With automated systems, plant workers can remotely restrict plant flow, reducing the risk of an overflow.

Lowering the number of overflows can reduce waste and reduce the likelihood that the plant will need to pay hefty penalties.

4. Predictive Diagnostic and Maintenance - Predictive maintenance technology and techniques are critical in present day plant operations. These sensors track critical operational info — like internal pressure, water flow rate and temperature — to alert plant managers of damage, wear or impending equipment failure. 

This advanced notice can allow administrators and managers to schedule repairs before this happens, saving costly downtime or machine replacement. The trend analysis can predict any upcoming parameter fluctuations very accurately, thus giving opportunity for corrective action to be taken in time.

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